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? What is the American Awakening?

? How have Americans become so dumb, so that they have so often voted against their self-interest? Or did they?

? What exactly are the Millennial Generation, Generation X, Yuppies, Boomers, the Fifties-Eisenhower, and the World War Two Generations? What do the drugs they have used have to do with the events and the America they have helped to shape?

? Everyone knows what happened in America in 1963 and 1980 that changed its direction. But what happened in 1971 that did the same thing, and much more profoundly? How is it continuing today? And why do you not know about this?

? Has there ever really been a conservative backlash in America? Were Yuppies former hippies? Did Boomers become conservative as they became older?

? What of Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring, the Tea Party, and the Wisconsin union movements?

? What is the Matrix? What are the things you know to be obviously true that are not? And how is it you think that way?

? Why is there now, suddenly, hope for America and the world?

Class War is disguised as Culture War. The 1% foment Culture War among the 99% to distract and cover their real economic motives.

This book looks into why America's "privileged class" -- its "royalty," "blue bloods" -- started a "culture war" against the middle class, working class, the poor... and the educated, artists, and humanists in the early 1970s. We discover how their fear of Sixties activism panicked them into an all-out assault against elements that threatened their wealth and privilege in all institutions of American society -- media, education, medicine, government, politics, publication, religion, especially higher education -- and restructured them for their ends.

Culture War, Class War -- Occupy Generations and The Rise and Fall of "Obvious Truths" is about how that reversal and restructuring happened and what has transpired in the last fifty years to bring us to this crisis. We see how Americans' minds, personalities, beliefs, and their daily lives were orchestrated to a tune not theirs any more, but one that was sweet and harmonious to the profit-takers.

We see how this culture war, class war continues today: blatantly so in the Tea Party movement, the Republican Party, the Wall Street giveaways at the expense of jobs, tax cuts for the "filthy rich" and corporations, budget battles and cuts in government services and entitlement programs, rampant anti-environmentalism, and anti-minority, anti-immigrant laws and attacks.

Finally, we behold a worldwide global awakening. As the strains of war and financial oppression increase to a point no longer bearable, the American mind reawakens, beholds the obvious lies that have created the matrix of their lives, and sees more clearly...

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 322 Pages
  • File Size: 621 KB

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