



Dear reader, if you love rescue cats, goats who wear pajamas, and a cozy bookstore, you're going to love the first three books in this new series by Eryn Scott. Hold on to your hats. The town of Button is as cute as they come, but that doesn't mean it's free of murder. These books are clean with no foul language or gore. Each book and mystery stands alone. Curl up under a cozy blanket, cuddle with a cat (or two), and come join Lou as she solves mysteries in the town of Button.

Book 1 - Littered with Trouble

Welcome to Button, where everything's perfect except for the occasional murder.

Louisa Henry has had the worst year. She never imagined she would be a widow before the age of forty. To cope with the sudden loss of her husband, Lou moves across the country to live near her best friend in a town as cute as a button. Even though it means quitting her fancy New York editor job, she now owns the bookstore of her dreams.

Well, almost. She definitely didn't dream about a dead body showing up in her alley.

Found with no identification, the police plaster the man's face everywhere, along with the name of her bookshop, inundating Lou with negative press before she can even open. Worse, Lou was one of the last people to see him alive, and she didn't even get his name.

Worried the mystery man's family is left without the answers she so desperately needed in her husband's death, Lou tries to help find the man's identity. On closer inspection, she realizes her conversation with the mystery man was full of clues. Starting with a confusing book page he left behind, Lou follows the trail.

If she can solve this mystery, her bookstore might have a chance at being known for something more than murder.

Book 2 - Tabby or Not Tabby

For a town that's as cute as a button, there sure is a lot of murder.

Louisa Henry's dream bookshop is up and running. On a trip to deliver a book to one of her customers, Lou stumbles upon the man's dead body. The police are sure it's a suicide, but Lou has questions. Clues at the scene and details about the man's life just don't seem to add up.

The fact that the dead man was the town bully is only one of many things that gives Lou pause. Are the police jumping to the conclusion of suicide so they don't have to arrest the person who did everyone a favor?

Lou's also busy helping her best friend, Willow, with preparations for the high school's annual Spring Fling. But during her time at the drafty old building, Lou finds secrets hidden away no one was meant to see, and she learns her new town might be hiding more than she first thought.

Book 3 - Flea the Scene

Everyone in town is buttoned up about the truth behind the mysterious mansion on Thread Lane.

Louisa Henry can't seem to get any answers about the abandoned mansion hidden behind brush that she runs by each day. Well, she thought it was abandoned, but she's recently seen signs of life. Whenever she asks the locals about who lives there, they clam up.

One day, Lou notices someone sneaking around the mysterious house. When she hears a crash inside, she runs to help. The body of a man lies inside, unconscious. As Lou arrives on the scene, someone else is leaving in a hurry. Lou stays with the man only to find he's already dead, and realizes she might've just let his murderer run free.

As Lou investigates what happened, she uncovers the reason behind the man's secluded status, as well as a heap of suspects who would've wanted him dead. Can she parse the truth from the decades of lies?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 606 Pages
  • File Size: 5,662 KB

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