



Paranormal Women's Fiction from bestsellers JR Rain and HP Mallory!

All I wanted to do was go camping.

Just to prove to myself that I could erect a tent and spend one night in the middle of BFE with only a few mosquito bites as souvenirs.

What I really wasn't planning on was getting attacked by the biggest... wolf I've ever seen -- not to mention the fact that wolves have no business being in Louisiana.

Fast forward to the wolf attack, and I'm now waking up to the second chapter of my middle-aged life as a vampire.

Yep, you heard me right.

Last I remembered, I was a forty-two-year-old widow with only creditors coming calling, and now I'm a blood-sucking fiend with two oversized fangs. And to make matters worse? My sire is a self-centered jerk who wants nothing to do with me.

Since I'm on a feeling-sorry-for-myself streak, might I also add that the only friend I had (one I also had a crush on) just so happens to show up in this weird outpost of civilization known as Misty Hollow?

What are the chances, right?

Well, turns out the chances are pretty good because Thorn actually isn't human at all. In fact, he's some sort of mystical creature called a 'griffin' and he's also working for the mayor of Misty Hollow.

And let's not even discuss the enigma that is Fox Aspen, a monster hunter sent to Misty Hollow to wrangle the wolf (turns out it's a werewolf) that attacked me.

Fox is some kind of fae prince, and he's also so hot he makes me go wobbly in the knees.

Wobbly knees or not, this girl needs to figure out what the heck is going on in this town, pronto, because something wicked this way is definitely coming from the swamp.

And I'm pretty sure that 'something wicked' is threatening my undead life...

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 245 Pages
  • File Size: 3,542 KB

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